- Fostering Climate-Resilient and Sustainable Food Supply
- Promoting Healthy Diets and Nutrition for All
- Building Inclusive and Efficient Markets, Trade Systems, and Food Industry
- Transforming Agricultural and Rural Economies
- Strengthening Institutions and Governance
Each of the five strategic research areas considers gender within all research questions and throughout the research process.
We undertake research to fill the gap in collective understanding and inform decisions on the most critical policy and project decisions of the day, from climate change, circular economy, energy, water, agriculture, forestry, land, and humanitarian sectors to researching business strategies, regulations, and technologies. To ensure better-informed policy and business decisions we also disseminate research findings and cutting-edge proposals to cultivate better development and business solutions.
We also conduct internal research and external research aimed at driving Institutional excellence and Competitiveness. The Unit leads the Institute’s research activities, developing processes, selecting and analyzing appropriate data & and information, and administering a scientific approach to data gathering, consolidation, and dissemination of research findings. Focus areas include:
- Product Development: Make use of research in product development and improvement
- Research Journal: Create and build a management research journal
- Partnerships: Establish research partnerships to seek research funding/grants
- Support: Provide research support services to our other units
Our Reserach Focus
The program has opened up opportunities for direct communication and relation with research institutions, businesses, universities, and media as they touch on areas of interest to them.
The program has been quite successful in this regard and we shall seek to deepen our work with these actors through a structured relationship and assist in building up the required analytical capabilities to ensure that research continues to inform development policies and strategies. Our specific research focus includes:
Conduct and synthesize research to inform national policies and programs with evidence. We analyze existing data and policy and program environments, undertake in-depth work focused on specific themes and sectors, and conduct comparative multisector data analyses to ensure that decision-makers have the evidence they need to formulate and evaluate effective environment and development policies.
Bring evidence directly to decision-makers in clear, usable formats. ECAS goes beyond the typical research dissemination model to provide direct technical assistance to our stakeholders and partners who need them.
Connect researchers and end-users at national and regional levels by working hand-in-hand with decision-makers providing technical assistance, we know the kinds of evidence they want and need. WE achieve this by involvement in, and partnership with, key networks and organizations.
Build research and policy implementation capacity of policymakers, civil society organizations, and other end-users of research outcomes to understand the value of research evidence in program design and implementation. We attain this through advisories and training workshops.
We also strengthen the capacity and skills of researchers and knowledge intermediaries in conducting systematic reviews and synthesis of evidence, policy analyses, scenario building, and forecasting through training workshops, seminars, and internships.
Our Experience
1. | Strategic Plan for 2023-2027 | Kenya Forestry Working Group |
2. | Development of the Strategic Plan for the Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation- 2018-2022 | University of Nairobi |
3. | Development of the Strategic Plan for Stakeholder led climate action-2020-2024 | Pan African Climate Justice Alliance |
4 | Development of strategic plan- 2019-2023 | Kenya Platform for Climate Governance |
5. | Development of Strategic Plan for 2022-2026 | Sustainable Energy for All-Kenyan Chapter |
6. | Expert Review and commentary on the Strategic Plan | Kenya Climate Change Working Group |
7. | Development of a draft strategic plan 2015-2019 | Nyamira County Climate Change Department |
8. | Consultancy Services to Develop Scoping Papers on Enhancing Industrialization and Jobs Creation in the Context of Just Energy Transition in Africa | The Foundation INSTITUT DU DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ET DES RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES (IDDRI), |
9. | Technical Support to African Activists for Climate Change Justice (AACJ) Programme | Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) |
1.0 | Kenya Country Bonn Challenge Barometer of Progress Report. | IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) |
11. | Gender Market Analysis and Development of Resilience and Livelihoods Tool Kit | Danish Refugee Council, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), and International Trade Centre (ITC), 2021 |
12. | Development of the County Climate Change Response Strategy | Tharaka Nithi County Government |
13. | Development of the draft County Climate Change Policy | Migori County Government |
14. | Development of the Draft County Climate Change Policy | Tharaka Nithi County Government |
15. | End of Project Evaluation for the Maisha Thabiti (Resilience) Project in East Pokot (Tiaty), Baringo | Christian Impact Mission (CIM) and |
16. | End of Project Evaluation for the Maisha Thabiti (Resilience) Project in East Pokot (Tiaty), Baringo | Anglican Development Services (ADS)-Central Rift |
17. | Finalization of the National Climate Change Policy | UNDP, Somalia |
18. | Baseline Survey for ‘Operationalizing Green Economy Transition in Africa: Green Economy Initiatives at the Subnational Level (Nakuru and Mombasa Counties) | UNEP/GIZ and Government of Kenya) |
19. | Socially Inclusive Adaptation Knowledge for Resilient Livelihoods in Northern Kenya (SOAK) | DFID |
20. | Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR), a consortium of | University of Nairobi, Oxfam, DFID, University of East Anglia and Oxford University |
21. | Knowledge Mapping on Climate Risk and Risk Response Strategy Through the Lens of Pastoral Systems | ASSAR/IDRC/CRDI |
22. | ILO UNHCR Market Systems Analysis and Value Chain Study – Dadaab, Kenya, | Samuel Hall |
23. | Training: Empowered Worldview for Climate Resilient Communities for West Pokot and Yatta communities | Christian Impact Mission. |
24. | Training: Workshop for County Ministers for Water and Environment on County Strategies for Sustainable Water Services | Council of Governors/SNV Netherlands |
25. | Facilitation: National Green Growth and Just Transition Dialogues, | PACJA/FES/KIE |
26. | Natural Resource Management and Climate Change Resilience Training for community leaders in Embu and Tharaka Nithi Counties | Trocaire & OSA Kenya. |
27. | Training: Climate Change Master Class | Mandera County Public Service Board |
28 | Training: County Scenario Building Sessions for County Executive Officers, Chief Officers, and Policymakers from West Pokot County | Christian Impact Mission and Anglican Development Services Central Rift (ADS). |
29 | Introduction to climate change governance and community resilience for Makueni County CSO Climate Change Forum members supported by | PACJA and UKAID. |
30. | Facilitation: National Green Economy Workshop on Replication and Sustainability of Green Economy Planning in Kenya | UNEP/GIZ and Ministry of Environment Kenya. |
31. | Training: Operationalizing Green Economy Mainstreaming in Africa | UNEP/GIZ and Ministry of Environment |
32. | Gender Market Analysis for the Area Based Livelihoods in Garissa (ABLI-G) Project by UNHCR | Danish Refugee Council/ Norwegian Refugee Council/ International Trade Center. |
33. | Baseline Survey on the Status of Implementation of the Energy Act 2019: Case of Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru & Kisumu Counties. | Sustainable Energy Access Forum, Kenya Chapter |
34. | Resilience & Livelihoods Technical Training for Area-Based Livelihoods Initiative Project in Garissa | UNHCR/ DRC/NRC and ITC |