ECAS works to support the government of Kenya to provide a framework for an integrated approach to sustainable management of Kenya’s environment and natural resources.

ECAS engaged in climate governance activities with the main goal of the improving climate change, energy, and environment. We pay close attention to policy and governance of biosafety, cities, digital transformations, disasters and conflicts, energy transition, rights and justice, mining and extractives, forests, water, gender, green economy, ocean, seas and coasts, resource efficiency, transport and youth, education and environment.
We also contribute to climate change in areas such as: Adaptation and resilience, capacity-building, climate finance, climate technology, cooperative activities and SDGs, gender, global stocktake, innovation, just transition, land use, local Communities and indigenous peoples, carbon markets, and mitigation.
In particular we contribute to strengthen:
- Legal and institutional framework for good governance.
- Integrate environmental management with economic growth, poverty reduction and improving livelihoods.
- Research and capacity development.
- Promote new environment management tools.
- Promote collaboration and cooperation and partnerships in environment management.
- Promote domestication, co-ordination and maximization of benefit from Strategic Multilateral Environment Agreements.
ECAS has worked with government Green Growth Plan, New Green Hydrogen Deal, Long-term Low Emissions Development Strategies (LT-LEDS), Announced new National Climate Change Action Plan (2023-2027, Kenya Climate Change (Amended) Act 2023 and that Kenya to be Africa HQ for Global Centre for Adaptation. The country is currently working on a draft of Carbon Regulations.
ECAS engaged in climate governance activities with the main goal of the improving climate governance in Kenya with the targets being leadership, good governance, and policy advocacy. We sought to feel capacity gaps in terms of understanding on climate governance, adaptation, mitigation, finance, technology and the roles of different actors in climate change response. We achieved this through periodic training for the various platforms, networks and working groups as well as other relevant platforms